Thoughts On Spring 2022/Open Window By Henri Matisse

Thoughts On Spring 2022/Open Window By Henri Matisse
Weekly Art Appreciation

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The last bit of Summer.

O.k folks time to lighten up and think of most pleasanter things. After all our passed away loved ones would'nt want us to be all sad and morse forever. So here's a poem that I hope will lighten your mood as well as your hearts.

The Last Bit Of Summer.
Like the last squeeze of lemonade
should be savered.
Like a good piece of cake found
in the back of the fridge nice
and cool.
So the cold winter nights can
be beared as we look
back behind us.
To that last hot summer sun
and that cool green, green
grass at our backs.
That Last Bit of Summer.

(I did a correction, 4/13/17, on the word bared. Spelled it wrong. Go figure I a writer yet lately my spelling has become atrocious. So the the word bared has been changed to Beared. Why should you care? [Shrug])

Monday, July 20, 2009

Gone too soon

This poem is for anyone who has lost a loved one in the Past or Present. But mostly it's my reaction to Micheal Jackson's Passing as well as all other celebrities we will miss. I hope this poem gives people,;no matter what they do for a living, comfort.

Gone Too Soon
By M.R (A.K.A Clueuin)
Sometimes you swear whenever you hear a door slam that it's,
them just coming in the door.
You hear a song and a tear rolls down. A heart pang then you
must go on.
No matter what your mind thinks, no matter how logical, you
just can't help feel that there could have been more time.
More time, more time, more time.
You're walking down the street and swear it him/her/she/he you saw
At the record store or at the mall, or at the barber shop.
Then you shake your head as you lose your mind
your heart caught in your throat.
You sit yourself down at a park bench or chair and try to calm your mind
inside your saying; "Not Fair."
Not Fair, not fair, not fair.
It doesn't matter when they go.
You just wish it wasn't so.
If loved them or hated them
or just wish you could take
back those words you said.
You're always going to say
and feel that they were
gone too soon.
More Time, more time, more time.
Not Fair, not fair, not fair.
They were
Gone too Soon.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spritual thoughts for St. Patrick's Day and beyond.

Thank you for giving me the Spirit.
By M.A.R (A.K.A Clueuin)

You might think that I'm ungrateful for the things you've given me.
You might think that I take for granted all the blessings you've bestow.
But Lord, Creator, forgive me Ma'am ?Sir but you're wrong and the only way I can tell you so is in this poem song.

I wake up in the morning glad to have another day. Another day, another chance to change my life, to start anew.

Because of the Spirit you have implanted in me at birth I can go on. I can go on despite the troubles that come down on me and the problems that I face. You give me strength to try and achieve my goals. That is the most important thing that you have given to me.

Thank you for giving me the Spirit.
Everyday I'm near it. I feel your grace and your spirit keeps me safe and whole.

I want you to understand that though you don't always verbally hear it. I thank you for the spirit.
For grace and power every day and how, how I do thank you now.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

When a Loud Black Woman Speaks, (Or Ode to a loud Black Women.)

When a Loud Black Woman Speaks, (Or Ode to a loud Black Women)
By M.A.R (A.K.A Clueuin)

I know that she seems uncouth
but you must admit the truth.

When a loud black woman speaks you
hear her.
What you learn from her lips though
you are ashamed to admit the wisdom
you can learn from her.

When a loud black Women Speaks.....

You don't as much see her coming as
You hear her coming.
Don't say you haven't been warned because
If she had told you once
She has told you twice.....

......."Don't you get me started!"

Yet do you obey and hear what she says?
Then you haven't truly comprehended;
You have no understanding of the simplist of
Some how you've lost command of your
Auditory Senses!
In other words......
Are you deaf!

When a loud black woman speaks.