Gone Too Soon
By M.R (A.K.A Clueuin)
Sometimes you swear whenever you hear a door slam that it's,
them just coming in the door.
You hear a song and a tear rolls down. A heart pang then you
must go on.
No matter what your mind thinks, no matter how logical, you
just can't help feel that there could have been more time.
More time, more time, more time.
You're walking down the street and swear it him/her/she/he you saw
At the record store or at the mall, or at the barber shop.
Then you shake your head as you lose your mind
your heart caught in your throat.
You sit yourself down at a park bench or chair and try to calm your mind
inside your saying; "Not Fair."
Not Fair, not fair, not fair.
It doesn't matter when they go.
You just wish it wasn't so.
If loved them or hated them
or just wish you could take
back those words you said.
You're always going to say
and feel that they were
gone too soon.
More Time, more time, more time.
Not Fair, not fair, not fair.
They were
Gone too Soon.